Dictionaries | References

cardinal points

Script: Latin

cardinal points

  पु./अ.व. दिग्बिंदू
   (of the compass)

cardinal points

जीवशास्त्र | English  Marathi |   | 
   Bot. क्रांतिक बिंदू

cardinal points

भूगोल  | English  Marathi |   | 
  पु./अ.व. Astron. (as the name given to the four principal points of the horizon - north, south, east and west) दिक् बिंदू
  पु./अ.व. (as of a compass) दिक् बिंदू
  पु./अ.व. light (as in a lens or in a system of lenses) प्रधान बिंदू

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