Dictionaries | References त तृप Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 तृप A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | तृप mfn. mfn.अ-तृप॑असु - Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 तृप Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English | | तृप r. 1st cl. (तर्पति) 4th cl. (ञि, उ) ञितृपु (तृप्यति) 5th cl. (तृप्नोति) 6th cl. (तृम्पति) and 10th cl. (तर्पयति-ते) 1. To please, to satisfy, to content. 2. To be pleased or satisfied, to be content or satiate. 3. (In the 1st and 10th cls.) To light or kindle. E. भ्वा-पर-सक-सेट् . दिवा-पर-सक-सेट् . स्वादि-पर-सक-सेट् . चुरा-उभ-तुदा-मुचादि-पर-सक-सेट् . ROOTS:भ्वा-पर-सक-सेट् . दिवा-पर-सक-सेट् . स्वादि-पर-सक-सेट् . चुरा-उभ-तुदा-मुचादि-पर-सक-सेट् . Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP