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   { ṅu }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
ङु   cl. 1. Ā.ङवते, to sound, [Dhātup. xxii, 57] :
Desid.ञुङूषते, [Pāṇ. 7-4, 62] Sch.


ङु [ṅu]   1 Ā. (ङवते) To sound. together; (in this sense it is used with each of the words or assertions which it joins together; or it is used after the last of the words or assertions so joined but it never stands first in a sentence); मनो निष्ठाशून्यं भ्रमति च किमप्यालिखति च [Māl.1.31;] तौ गुरुर्गुरुपत्नी च प्रीत्या प्रतिननन्दतुः [R.1.57;] [Ms.1.64;3.5;] कुलेन कान्त्या वयसा नवेन गुणैश्च तैस्तैर्विनयप्रधानैः [R.6.79;] [Ms.1.15;3.116.]
Disjunction (but, still, yet); शान्तमिदमाश्रमपदं स्फुरति च बाहुः [Ś.1.14.]
Certainly, determination, (indeed certainly, exactly, quite, having the force of एव); अतीतः पन्थानं तव च महिमा वाङ्मनसयोः G. M.; ते तु यावन्त एवाजौ तावांश्च ददृशे स तैः [R.12.45.]
Condition (if = चेत्); जीवितुं चेच्छसे (= इच्छसे चेद्) मूढ हेतुं मे गदतः शृणु Mb; लोभ- श्चास्ति (अस्ति चेद्) गुणेन किम् [Bh.2.45] v. l.
It is often used expletively (पादपूरणार्थे); भीमः पार्थस्तथैव च G. M. (Lexicographers give, besides the above, the following senses of च which are included in the general idea ofcopulation; 1 अन्वाचय joining a subordinate fact with a principal one; भो भिक्षामट गां चानय; see अन्वाचय.
समा- हार collective combination; as पाणी च पादौ च पाणिपादम्
इतरेतरयोग or mutual connection; as प्लक्षश्च न्यग्रोधश्च प्लक्ष- न्यग्रोधौ.
समुच्चय aggregation; as पचति च पठति च). च is frequently repeated with two assertions (1) in the sense of 'on the one hand-on the other hand', 'though-yet', to denote antithesis; न सुलभा सफलेन्दुमुखी च सा किमपि चेद- मनङ्गविचेष्टितम् [V.2.9;4.3;] [R.16.7;] or (2) to express simultaneous or undelayed occurrence of two events (no sooner than, as soon as); ते च प्रापुरुदन्वन्तं बुबुधे चादि- पूरुषः [R.1.6;3.4;11.5,81;] [Ku.3.58,66;] Ś 6.7; [Māl.9.39.] -Comp.
-आदि   a Gaṇa of Pāṇini (including the indeclinable particles, [P.I.4.57] ).
-कारः   the particle च; [P.II.3.72,] Kāśi.
-समासः   a Dvandva compound; [Vop.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English
ङु (ङु)   r. 1st cl. (ङवते) To sound. भ्वा-आत्म-अक-अनिट् .

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