Dictionaries | References


Script: Devanagari
See also:  केल्हेटेकणें


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   kēlhēṭēkaṇē or ṅkōlhēṭēkaṇa n Gen. in obl. cases with बस or ये, as कोल्हेटेकण्यास बसणें To sit cowering; to sit as a jackal. कोल्हेटेकण्यास येणें To be arrived at or to be approaching the infirmities of age. 2 To be approaching to setting;--used of the sun or the day, when the sun is conceived to be about that distance from the horizon as a jackal, when he rests on his hinder legs, is from the ground.

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