उत्-तम्भ् ( उद्-√ स्तम्भ्[Pāṇ. 8-4, 61] ; the radical स् appears in augmented and reduplicated forms and if [in वेद] the preposition is separated from the verb) P. - (स्) तभ्नाति ( Impv. 2. sg. - (स्) तभान॑impf. उ॑द्-अस्तभ्नात्, aor. -अस्ताम्प्सीत्, [TBr. iii, 2, 10, 1, and] -अस्तम्भीत्, [RV. iii, 5, 10] ) to uphold, stay, prop; to support, [RV.] ; [VS.] ; [TBr.] ; [TāṇḍyaBr.] &c.: Caus. -तम्भयति, to lift up, raise, erect, [Hariv.] ; [BhP.] &c.; to bring up; to irritate, excite, [Kir. ii, 48] ; [BhP.] ; [Uttarar.] ; to raise in rank; to honour, make respectable.