अश्रु [aśru] n. n. [अश्नुते व्याप्नोति नेत्रमदर्शनाय, अश्-क्रुन्
[Uṇ.5.] 29,2.13,4.12] A tear; पपात भूमौ सह सैनिकाश्रुभिः
[R.3.61.] [cf. Zend. asru.; Pers. ars.]. -Comp.
-उपहत a. a. affected by tears, covered with tears.-कला a tear-drop.
-नाली Fistula Lachrymalis.-परिपूर्ण a. filled with tears; ˚अक्ष having eyes filled with tears.
-परिप्लुत a. a. suffused or filled with tears, bathed in tears.
-पातः flow of tears, shedding tears,
-पूर्ण a. a. filled with tears; ˚आकुल troubled and filled with tears तं तथा कृपयाविष्टमश्रुपूर्णाकुलेक्षणम्
[Bg.2.1.] -मुख a. a. suffused with tears, (suddenly) bursting into tears; एकपदेऽश्रुमुखी संवृत्ता
[V.5;] संसदश्रु- मुखी बभौ
[R.15.66;] [Ku.6.92.] -लोचन, -नेत्र a. a. with tears in the eyes, with tearful eyes.
-शालिन् a. a. having tears, tearful.