गो—पति m. m. (गो॑-) the lord of cowherds, leader, chief (a N. often applied to इन्द्र), [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [VS. i, 1] a bull, [MBh. xii, 4877] ; [R. iii, iv] ; [VarBṛS.] (hence) the medicinal plant ऋषभ, [L.] ‘lord of rays’, the sun, [MBh. i, ii, iii] ; [Hariv.] ; [BhP.] ‘lord of stars’, the moon, [Subh.] ‘earth-lord’, a king, [L.] ‘the chief of herdsmen’, कृष्ण or विष्णु, [MBh. xiii, 7002 and 7012] ; [Hariv. 4067] ‘lord of waters’, वरुण, [MBh. v, 3532 and 3801] शिव, xiii, 1228 [R. vii, 16, 23] इन्द्र, [L.] गो-प N. of a देव-गन्धर्व (cf. ), [MBh. i, 2550 and 4811] of a demon slain by कृष्ण, [MBh. iii, 492] ; [Hariv. 9141] of a son of शिबि, [MBh. xii, 1794]