काञ्चन mfn. (
-नः-नी-नं) Golden, of gold.
n. (
1. Gold.
2. Wealth.
3. A filament of the lotus.
m. (
1. Mountain ebony, (Bauhinia variegata, &c.)
2. A tree bearing a yellow fragrant flower, (Michelia champaca.)
3. Another plant, (Mesua ferrea:) see
4. Glomerous fig-tree: see
5. Common thorn apple, (Datura metel.)
f. (
1. Turmeric.
2. A yellow pigment.
E. कचि to shine, &c.
ल्युट् affix, the radical vowel lengthened; this etymology gives the meaning gold, the others refer to their colour, &c. in which they resemble the metal.