कम्बु [kambu] a. a. (-म्बु or
-म्बू f. f.) Spotted, variegated.
-म्बुः -म्बु (m., n.) A conch-shell; स्मरस्य कम्बुः किमयं चकास्ति दिवि त्रिलोकीजयवादनीयः
[N.22.22;] [Śi.18.54.] म्बुः An elephant.
The neck.
The variegated colour.
A vein of the body.
A bracelet; कम्बुकेयूरधारिण्यः
[Mb.3.233.46.] A tube-shaped bone. -Comp.
-आतायिन् m. m. a kind of kite.
-कण्ठी a lady having the neck like a conch-shell.
ग्रीवा a conch-shaped neck, (i. e. a neck marked with three lines like a shell and considered as a sign of great fortune).
a lady having the neck like the conch-shell.