dictionary project
Dictionary Project is one of our newest project. As an experiment, we put word content from several dictionaries in single assembled repository. This experiment created unique relationship between words by combining .. Words/phrases and their meanings Dictionary Languages and their citations Most importantly you (our user) and your annonymous usage/reading patterns, we call it The Human Element These three things together provided insights that shows unseen linkage between words and what they mean to people. The "Human Element" shows relationship between words that are beyond their documented meanings and digital bytes that represent them at a total new level. Why we have dictionary on this site? Understand the dictionary citations of Ancient texts and link them directly for benefit of researchers Relate words using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, we use your anonymous view patterns to understand relation between works and ancient texts. Single way/place to look up all words, which provides usage of words between different languages Good example is word Process , it has appeared in over 24 different dictionaries with over 182 unique meaning contexts. Some important information about dictionaries can be found here : Dictionary Project
Type: INDEX | Rank: 13.38551 | Lang: NA
purāṇic encyclopaedia - references
Comprehensive Dictionary with Special Reference to the Epic and Purāṇic Literature. This was constructed for support our " Puranic Genealogy " Project.
Type: PAGE | Rank: 5.908763 | Lang: NA
hindi charitra kosha
"Hindi - Charitra Kosha" is one of the very niche project where we have uploaded all the Characters from Puran and Ved in the form of dictionary. Each character / person from Hindu History is also added with references to the Texts that illustrated. See all entries in Hindi Charitra Kosha here.
Type: INDEX | Rank: 5.459835 | Lang: NA
पुराणों में निर्दिष्ट ऋषियों की तालिका
पौराणिक साहित्य में निर्दिष्ट विभिन्न ऋषिवंशों की एवं ऋषियों की तालिका नीचे दी गयी है । इस तालिका में भार्गव, आंगिरस, वासिष्ठ, एवं अन्य ऋषिवंशों में उत्पन्न ऋषियों की नामावलि उनके समकालीनत्व के अनुसार दी गयी है । तत्कालीन राजकीय इतिहास में इन ऋषियों का संभाव्य स्थान कहाँ था, इसकी सूचना प्राप्त करने के लिए इक्ष्वाकुवंशीय राजाओं की संपूर्ण तालिका इस तालिका के साथ ही दी गयी है । इस तालिका में निर्दिष्ट इक्ष्वाकुवंशीय राजाओं की नामावलि पौराणिक राजवंशों की तालिका में से पुनरुदधृत की गयी है । See all entries in Hindi Charitra Kosha here.
Type: PAGE | Rank: 2.046194 | Lang: NA
पुराणों में निर्दिष्ट राजाओं की तालिका
पुराणों में निर्दिष्ट राजाओं की तालिका
पौराणिक साहित्य में निर्दिष्ट विभिन्न वंशावलियों का निर्देश इससे पहले ही किया जा चुका है । इन राजाओं की जो जानकारी उपलब्ध है, उससे उनका निश्चित कालनिर्णय एवं उनके समकालीन अन्य राजाओं की पर्याप्त जानकारी प्राप्त होती है ।
इसी जानकारी को मूलाधार मान कर पौराणिक साहित्य में निर्दिष्ट राजाओं की तालिका अगले पृष्ठ पर दी गयी है, जहाँ इन राजाओं की नामावलि सूर्य एवं सोम वंशों के विभिन्न उपशाखाओं के अनुक्रम से दी गयी है।
See all entries in Hindi Charitra Kosha here.
Type: PAGE | Rank: 1.79042 | Lang: NA
maharashtra shabdakosh
महाराष्ट्र शब्दकोश - Maharashtra Shabdakosh by Yashawant Ramakrishna Date. We started work on this Dictionary back in early 2009 on this dictionary based on several requests from Marathi Communities. It was ready in a month or so but needed cleansing and reformatting so it can be searched and viewed online. Loaded online in 2010, we still continue to clean words to achieve the quality. We apologize the process is slower than expected, but slowly and steadily we are formatting it without modifying so it can benefit all. See all words in Maharashtra Shabdakosh here .
Type: INDEX | Rank: 1.702812 | Lang: NA
महाराष्ट्र शब्दकोश - संक्षेपांची सूची
व्याकरण, भाषा, शास्त्र, प्रांत इत्यादि विषयक संक्षेपांची सूची
See all words in Maharashtra Shabdakosh here .
Type: PAGE | Rank: 1.278871 | Lang: NA
Meanings: 10; in Dictionaries: 8
Type: WORD | Rank: 1.057495 | Lang: NA
महाराष्ट्र शब्दकोश - ग्रंथसंक्षेप सूची
महाराष्ट्र शब्दकोश - ग्रंथसंक्षेप सूची
See all words in Maharashtra Shabdakosh here .
Type: PAGE | Rank: 1.023097 | Lang: NA
Meanings: 48; in Dictionaries: 18
Type: WORD | Rank: 0.7512868 | Lang: NA
bilingual dictionary
Meanings: 1; in Dictionaries: 1
Type: WORD | Rank: 0.5033804 | Lang: NA
biographical dictionary
Meanings: 1; in Dictionaries: 1
Type: WORD | Rank: 0.5033804 | Lang: NA
dictionary catalogue
Meanings: 4; in Dictionaries: 2
Type: WORD | Rank: 0.5033804 | Lang: NA
dictionary stand
Meanings: 1; in Dictionaries: 1
Type: WORD | Rank: 0.5033804 | Lang: NA
action project
Meanings: 2; in Dictionaries: 2
Type: WORD | Rank: 0.3634103 | Lang: NA
group project
Meanings: 1; in Dictionaries: 1
Type: WORD | Rank: 0.3634103 | Lang: NA
experimental project
Meanings: 1; in Dictionaries: 1
Type: WORD | Rank: 0.3634103 | Lang: NA
industrial pilot project
Meanings: 1; in Dictionaries: 1
Type: WORD | Rank: 0.3634103 | Lang: NA
in prosecution of (project etc.)
Meanings: 3; in Dictionaries: 1
Type: WORD | Rank: 0.3634103 | Lang: NA
literacy project officer
Meanings: 1; in Dictionaries: 1
Type: WORD | Rank: 0.3634103 | Lang: NA
long gestation project
Meanings: 1; in Dictionaries: 1
Type: WORD | Rank: 0.3634103 | Lang: NA
maiden project
Meanings: 1; in Dictionaries: 1
Type: WORD | Rank: 0.3634103 | Lang: NA
major project
Meanings: 1; in Dictionaries: 1
Type: WORD | Rank: 0.3634103 | Lang: NA
director (special project division)
Meanings: 1; in Dictionaries: 1
Type: WORD | Rank: 0.3634103 | Lang: NA
investment project
Meanings: 1; in Dictionaries: 1
Type: WORD | Rank: 0.3634103 | Lang: NA
irrigation project
Meanings: 10; in Dictionaries: 7
Type: WORD | Rank: 0.3634103 | Lang: NA
joint project
Meanings: 1; in Dictionaries: 1
Type: WORD | Rank: 0.3634103 | Lang: NA
land reclamation project
Meanings: 1; in Dictionaries: 1
Type: WORD | Rank: 0.3634103 | Lang: NA
continued project
Meanings: 1; in Dictionaries: 1
Type: WORD | Rank: 0.3634103 | Lang: NA
core project
Meanings: 1; in Dictionaries: 1
Type: WORD | Rank: 0.3634103 | Lang: NA
cotton project officer
Meanings: 1; in Dictionaries: 1
Type: WORD | Rank: 0.3634103 | Lang: NA
developmental project
Meanings: 1; in Dictionaries: 1
Type: WORD | Rank: 0.3634103 | Lang: NA
development project
Meanings: 3; in Dictionaries: 3
Type: WORD | Rank: 0.3634103 | Lang: NA
community development project
Meanings: 6; in Dictionaries: 5
Type: WORD | Rank: 0.3634103 | Lang: NA
community project
Meanings: 5; in Dictionaries: 5
Type: WORD | Rank: 0.3634103 | Lang: NA
composite project
Meanings: 1; in Dictionaries: 1
Type: WORD | Rank: 0.3634103 | Lang: NA
viability of project
Meanings: 1; in Dictionaries: 1
Type: WORD | Rank: 0.3634103 | Lang: NA
village community project
Meanings: 2; in Dictionaries: 2
Type: WORD | Rank: 0.3634103 | Lang: NA
water project loan
Meanings: 1; in Dictionaries: 1
Type: WORD | Rank: 0.3634103 | Lang: NA
rural industries project
Meanings: 1; in Dictionaries: 1
Type: WORD | Rank: 0.3634103 | Lang: NA
scientist, all india co-ordinated project
Meanings: 1; in Dictionaries: 1
Type: WORD | Rank: 0.3634103 | Lang: NA
self liquidating project
Meanings: 2; in Dictionaries: 2
Type: WORD | Rank: 0.3634103 | Lang: NA
senior project executive officer
Meanings: 1; in Dictionaries: 1
Type: WORD | Rank: 0.3634103 | Lang: NA
senior project officer
Meanings: 1; in Dictionaries: 1
Type: WORD | Rank: 0.3634103 | Lang: NA
smallpox officer, pilot project
Meanings: 1; in Dictionaries: 1
Type: WORD | Rank: 0.3634103 | Lang: NA
to project
Meanings: 1; in Dictionaries: 1
Type: WORD | Rank: 0.3634103 | Lang: NA
monolingual dictionary
Meanings: 2; in Dictionaries: 1
Type: WORD | Rank: 0.3146127 | Lang: NA
multilingual dictionary
Meanings: 2; in Dictionaries: 1
Type: WORD | Rank: 0.3146127 | Lang: NA
picture dictionary
Meanings: 1; in Dictionaries: 1
Type: WORD | Rank: 0.3146127 | Lang: NA
study project
Meanings: 1; in Dictionaries: 1
Type: WORD | Rank: 0.2271314 | Lang: NA