Bhamini Vilas - Page 100

Bhamini Vilas - Page 100

सुकन in the sense of पुण्य and expiains : समारोपः सम्यञुत्तमकलपर्यवसा-
यित्वेनारोपोऽवापस्तेन यत्सुकृं दुण्णयं दड़स्यस्तीनि तथा सह्युक्षारोपणपुण्यवानित्यर्थ ः ।
कृती-Expert, or experiexced. बक्कुलमपि- अपि is used to show
that the gardener, experienced as he was, planted the fragrant
Bakul plant in an odd corner of the garden without bestewing
any thought apon it. aa-Stationed in the interior of
जगज्जालम्-The whole worid. कुलुम etc. -कुसुमानां यो
a corner.
भरः (समूहः ) नस्य सौरभ्येण ( परिम्लेन) भरिनम्.
The metre is शिखारिणी.
Vs, 54.-यस्मिन् खेलानि-Loc. Abs. cousr. खेलति. ४. १. बेल्लति
from बेल्ट 1 P. to go, to move about. परिचलत्कल्लोलकोलाहलैः- By
the roar of great surging biliows. g-A great wave, ra-
झ्लोलक्लोलो । अमर, म
The gods and the demons once churned the ocean for the sake
of ambrosia, making the Mandara mountain the churning
handle. मन्थाद्रिभ्रमणत्रम- The delusion ( भ्रम ) that the Mandara
monntain was again set in action. When this great fish (7Ia)
played about, it created such a terrific noise of the heaving
waves that it appeared that the Mandara mountain was churn-
ing the womb of the ocean again. aaa:-Quarter-ele-
phanbs. दुन्नावल-An elephant. 'दन्तशिखात् संज्ञायाम्' ( Pan. 5-2-
118) इति बळचू. The variant हरिद्यूঘाधिपाः nay mean either ( i )
quarter-elephants; हरित्= दिझ् & यूथाधिप-Lord of the herd e.
elephant, or (ii) हरितां यूथं तस्य अधिपाः इन्द्रादयो लोकपाला:. The
guardiaas of the quarters, like Indra and others. I5...a-
तुझ्गानां (महनाम् ) तिमिङ्गलानां अङ्गानि, तेवां कवलकारस्य (भक्षणस्य ) क्रियायां
( ) a. Well-versed in the art of swallowing the bodies
of large fish. Large fish are known to devour small ones.
of. उत मत्स्य एवं मत्त्यं गिलति । Sat. Bx, 1-8-1-3. This phenomenon
has given the well-known
politics. कोड-ehest. कस्य क्रौडे -Where? On whose breasts ? केलि-
a:-Love-quarrel. -A very large fisb, a sea-monster.
f. নিमिङ्गलगिलोऽप्यस्ति तद्भिलोऽप्यस्ति राघवः।
The metre is হा्दूलविक्रीडिनम्,
मन्याद्रिः-The churning mountain a e. मन्दराचल.
to the science of

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Last Updated : June 02, 2021

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