केशी f. f. a lock of hair on the crown of the head, [L.]
In Bhāgavata there is another Keśī who was the son of Vasudeva. “Pauravī Rohiṇī Bhadrā Madirā Rocanā Ilā / Devakīpramukhā āsan Patnya Ānakadundubheḥ.” Pauravī, Rohiṇī, Bhadrā, Madirā, Rocanā, Ilā and Devakī were the wives of Vasudeva. From this statement made in Bhāgavata, Skandha 9, Chapter 24, it is clear that Vasudeva had a number of wives. Kausalyā, who was one of them, was the mother of Keśī. [Bhāgavata, Skandha 9, Chapter 24, Stanza 48] .
the Indigo plant, [L.]
Carpopogon pruriens, [L.]
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