The country lying between the Konkan̤s and Desh proper,--that containing Kolhápúr, Poona, Náshik &c. Another settlement is--The country included betwixt the rivers Godá and Krishn̤á and the mountain-ranges Sayhádri and Bálágháṭ. Yet another is--The interjacent region betwixt the डांग or मावळ and the Desh proper. There being no defined boundaries in the Shástra, man uses his liberty. 2 The centre or heart of a country, the midland. 3 The central region of India, bounded by Kurukshetra, Alláhábád, the Himálaya, and the Vindhyá. 4 The region included between the tropics, the torrid zone.
मध्य—देश m. m. middle region, middle space, the central or middle part of anything, [ŚrS.]
मध्यं नभसः (= ), the meridian, [MBh.]
the middle of the body, waist, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.
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