मेरुदेवी n. मेरुपर्वत की एक कन्या, जिसका विवाह आग्रीध्र राजा का पुत्र नाभि राजा से हुआ था । इसके पुत्र का नाम ऋषभदेव था [भा.१.३.१३,५.४.२] ।
मेरु—देवी f. f.
N. of a daughter of M° (wife of नाभि and mother of ऋषभ, who was an incarnation of विष्णु), [BhP.]
MERUDEVĪ A daughter of Mahāmeru. The nine daughters of Mahāmeru are: Merudevī, Pratirūpā, Ugradaṁṣṭrī, Latā, Ramyā, Śyāmā, Nārī, Bhadrā and Devavīthī. They were married to Nābhi, Kimpuruṣa, Hari, Ilāvṛta, Ramyaka, Hiraṇmaya, Kuru, Bhadrāśva and Ketumāla respectively. All these nine Kings were born to a King Agnīdhra of the nymph Pūrvacitti. [Pañcama Skandha, Bhāgavata] .
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