सं-श्लिष्ट mfn. mfn. clasped or pressed together, contiguous, coherent, closely connected with (
instr. with and without
सहacc. , or
comp. ),
[ŚBr.] &c. &c.
coalescent, blended together,
[Prāt.] confused, indeterminate (as an action which is neither good nor bad),
[MBh.] किंचिज् जीविताशया endowed with, possessed of (
instr. ; , ‘having a slight hope of life’),
[Pañcat.] सं-श्लिष्ट m. m. a kind of pavilion,
[Vāstuv.] सं-श्लिष्ट n. n. a heap, mass, multitude,