सं-क्रान्ति f. f. going from one place to another, course or passage or entry into, transference to (
loc. or
comp. ),
[Kāv.] ;
[MārkP.] उत्तरायण-स्° (in
astron. ) passage of the sun or a planet from one sign or position in the heavens into another (
e.g. , ‘passage of the sun to its northern course’ [
cf. कूट-स्°]; a day on which a principal
संक्रान्ति occurs is kept as a festival, See,
[RTL. 428] ),
[Sūryas.] transference of an art (from a teacher to a pupil),
[Mālav. i, 15, 18] transferring to a picture, image, reflection,
[W.] -वादिन् = ,