वारुण mfn. mf(ई॑)n. (fr. वरुण) relating or belonging or sacred to or given by वरुण, [AV.] &c. &c. (in, [MBh.] and, [R.] also said of partic. weapons) भूत n. relating to the sea or to water, marine, oceanic, aquatic, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. (with n. an aquatic animal) वरुण western (cf. under ), [AdbhBr.] ; [R.] ; [VarBṛS.] relating to वारुणिi.e. भृगु, [MBh.] वारुण m. m. an aquatic animal, fish, [MBh. xiii, 4142] (perhaps also, [RV. ii, 38, 8] , where वरुण seems to be w.r. ) वारुणि patr. of भृगु (cf. ), [MBh.] (pl. ) वरुण's children or people or warriors, [Hariv.] वारुण n. m.N. of a द्वीप (See n.), [VP.] वारुण m. m. (in astron. ) N. of the 15th मुहूर्त वारुण n. n. water, [L.] the नक्षत्रशत-भिषज् (presided over by वरुण), [MBh.] ; [VarBṛS.] &c. वारुण m. n. or m. the west (°णे, in the west), [Pañcar.] वारुण n. n. (with खण्ड) N. of one of the 9 divisions of भारत-वर्ष, [Gol.]