भक्ति f. f. distribution, partition, separation, [RV.] ; [TāṇḍBr.] &c. (cf. क्षेत्र-, भङ्गी-भ्°) a division, portion, share, [AitBr.] विधि a division of a सामन् (also called , of which 7 or 5 are enumerated), [Lāṭy.] [Śaṃk.] division by streaks or lines, [Ragh.] a streak, line, variegated decoration, [Hariv.] ; [Kāv.] °त्या n. a row, series, succession, order (ind. and °ति-तस्ind. in succession), [RPrāt.] अज्भक्तेः (ifc. ) the being a part of (, ‘on the part of the vowels’), belonging to, [Siddh.] &c. that which belongs to or is contained in anything else, an attribute, [Nir.] ; [Prāt.] predisposition (of body to any disease), [Car.] कर्मन् attachment, devotion, fondness for, devotion to (with loc. , gen. or ifc. ), trust, homage, worship, piety, faith or love or devotion (as a religious principle or means of salvation, together with , ‘works’, and ज्ञान, ‘spiritual knowledge’; cf. [IW. 326] ; [RTL. 97] ), [ŚvetUp.] ; [Bhag.] ; [Kāv.] ; [Pur.] &c. (ifc. ) assumption of the form of [Megh. 61] भङ्गि often w.r. for or भुक्ति