प्रति-हार m. m. striking against, touch, contact (
esp. of the tongue with the teeth in the pronunciation of the dentals),
[RPrāt.] अ-प्र्° shutting, closing, stopping (),
[TāṇḍBr.] प्रती-ह्° N. of
partic. syllables in the
सामन् hymns (with which the
प्रतिहर्तृ begins to join in singing, generally at the beginning of the last
पद of a stanza; also ,
[AV.] ;
[ŚāṅkhBr.] ),
[Br.] ;
[ŚrS.] &c.
°र-तर N. of a
partic. magical formula spoken over weapons,
[R.] (
v.l. )
प्रती-ह्° (that which keeps back), a door, gate (also ,
[L.] ;
cf. comp. below)
प्रती-ह्° f. a door-keeper, porter,
[Hariv.] ;
[Kāv.] ;
[Pur.] &c. (also ;
du. two
d° -
k° i.e. two statues at the entrance of a temple,
[VarBṛS.] ;
f(ई). a female
d° -
k° , portress,
[Priyad.] )
a juggler,
[L.] juggling, trick, disguise,