Legend says that there were nine scholars who handled philosophy and arts, in the palace of the emperor Vikramāditya. These nine scholars were known by the name Navaratnas (the nine jewels). They were Dhanvantari, Kṣapaṇaka, Amarasiṁha, Śaṅku, Vetālabhaṭṭa, Ghaṭakarpara, Kālidāsa, Varāhamihira and Vararuci.
NAVARATNAS I (The nine precious Jewels). The nine precious stones are pearl, ruby, Chrysoprasus, beryl, diamond, coral, jacinth, emerald and sapphire. Muktā-māṇikya-vaiḍūryā-gomeda vajra-vidrumau / Padmarāgo maratakaṁ nīlaśceti yathākramam //
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