चलाचल mfn. 1.mfn. movable and immovable, locomotive and stationary, [W.] चलाचल mfn. 2.mfn. (√ चल्redupl. [Pāṇ. 6-1, 12] , Vārtt. 6; vii, 4, 58, [Pat.] ) ever-moving (the wheel of संसार), [Divyâv. xiii, 267] xixmoving to and fro, movable, tremulous, unfixed, loose, [RV. 1, 164, 48] ; [R. v, 42, 11] ; [Nīt.] unsteady, changeable, [MBh. v, 2758; xii, 4169] चलाचल m. m. a crow, [L.] N. of a man, [Tantr.]