आस्तरण [āstaraṇa] a.
Spreading, covering.
णम् Spreading, strewing.
A bed, layer; कुसुम˚ a bed of flowers; कुसुमास्तरणे सहायतां बहुशः सौम्य गतस्त्वमावयोः
[Ku.4.35;] सकुसुम˚ strewn with flowers
[Ś.3;] तमालपत्रास्तरणासु रन्तुम्
[R.6.64.] A cushion, quilt, bed clothes; गत˚ without the bed clothes.
A rug, carpet.
An elephant's housings, painted cloth (thrown on his back).
A layer of Kuśa grass spread out at a sacrifice. वेद आस्त- रणं ब्रह्मोपबर्हणम्