सु—दास् mfn. mfn. (
prob. fr. a √ दास् = दाश्) worshipping the gods well (bestowing rich gifts, [Sāy.] ), [RV.] (compar. -तर, ib.)
SUDĀS II An Āryan King named Sudās is stated in Ṛgveda. It is mentioned in [Ṛgveda Maṇḍala 1, Anuvaka 11, Sūkta 63] , that Viśvāmitra saved this King from a danger. (See under Dāśarājña).
सु—दास् m. m.
N. of a celebrated king of the तृत्सुs (son of दिवो-दास, at whose court both वसिष्ठ and विश्वामित्र appear to have acted as family priests; सुदास्पैजवन is regarded as the author of [RV. x] , [GṛŚrS. 133] ), [RV.] ; [AitBr.] ; [GṛŚrS.] ; [Mn. vii, 41.]
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