A long, intricate, and tiresome history, story, or account; or a dull, prosing, drawling narration of it. v लाव. 2 A perplexity or trouble; a strait, scrape, hobble. v ये or येऊन पड: also any involved and tedious litigation or dispute. 3 An obscure and difficult stanza or passage; a puzzler. 4 Laxly. A कुभांड or malicious fabrication. v आण, टाक, रच, काढ.
n A long, intricate story. A trouble. An obscure and difficult passage. A malicious fabrication.
noun आध्यात्मिक आणि नैतिक शिकवण देणारे मराठीतील रूपकात्मक नाट्यगीत
Ex. नाथांची भारुडे रंजनाबरोबरच प्रबोधनही करणारी आहेत
See : रामायण
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