आसेध m. (
-धः) Arrest, legal restraint of four kinds; कालासेधः limit of time, स्थानासेधः confinement to a place, प्रवासासेधः prohibition against removal or departure, कर्म्मासेधः restriction from employment.
आ-सेध m. m. arrest, custody, legal restraint of four kinds, (
काला-सेध, limitation of time; स्थाना-सेध, confinement to a place; प्रवासा-सेध, prohibition against removal or departure; कर्मा-सेध, restriction from employment), ib.
आसेधः [āsēdhḥ] Arrest, custody, legal restraint, it is of four kinds: स्थानासेधः कालकृतः प्रवासात् कर्मणस्तथा Nārada;i. e. (a) confinement to a place, (b) limitation of time, (c) prohibition against departure, and (d) restriction from doing anything. आसेधकाल आसिद्ध आसेधं यो निवर्तते [Śukra 4.616.]
See : निषेध, नज़रबंदी, हिरासत
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