saṅghaṭṭana n S संघट्टना f S corruptly संघठण, संघट्टण, संघष्टण, संघष्टन, संघृष्टन, संघट्ठणें n Close connection and intercourse; intimate and familiar communication. Ex. तुका म्हणे जिणें ॥ भलें संत संघट्टणें ॥. 2 Coming into contact with, encountering, meeting. 3 Close contact;--as the intertwining of wrestlers, the clinging and cleaving of lovers in their embraces &c. 4 Rubbing together, confrication.
सं-°घट्टन m. m. a kind of spectral being or phantom, [Hariv.]
सं-°घट्टन n. n. rubbing together, [Prasannar.]
friction, collision, [Rājat.]
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