Dictionaries | References श श्वेत { śvēta, śveta } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 श्वेत Puranic Encyclopaedia | English English | | ŚVETA I A King in ancient India. By his moral and spiritual power he was able to restore his dead son to life. He did not eat meat. [Mahābhārata, Anuśāsana Parva, Chapter 150] mentions that he was one of the few Kings who deserve to be remembered with reverence at dawn and dusk. [M.B. Ādi Parva, Chapter 1, Verse 233] ;[Śānti Parva, Chapter 153, Verse 68] ;[Anuśāsana Parva, Chapter 115, Verse 66] .ŚVETA II A King. [Mahābhārata, Sabhā Parva, Dākṣiṇātya Pāṭha, Chapter 14] mentions that he was one of the prominent Kings in India.ŚVETA III A son of the Virāṭa King. Śveta was the son of King Virāṭa by his chief wife Surathā, who was a princess of Kosala. Śveta had attended Yudhiṣṭhira's Rājasūya. This distinguished warrior was killed by Bhīṣma in Bhārata Yuddha. [M.B. Dākṣiṇātya Pāṭha, Virāṭa Parva, Chapter 16] ;[Sabhā Parva, Chapter 44, Verse 20] ;[Bhīṣma Parva, Chapter 48] .ŚVETA IV A warrior of Subrahmaṇya. [Mahābhārata, Śalya Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 64] .ŚVETA V Son of the elder brother of King Sudeva. There is a story of how Śveta, who was a sinner, attained mokṣa (salvation) by a vision of sage Agastya. Towards the end of his life, Śveta attained Mokṣa by performing austere tapas. But since he failed to earn God's grace by giving food to the hungry, even in Heaven, he was tormented by hunger and thirst. His hunger was so severe that he began eating his own flesh. At last as suggested by Brahmā he was born again on earth and after a visit to Agastya re-entered Heaven.ŚVETA VII A mountain in Uttarā Khaṇḍa. In [Mahābhārata, Vana Parva, Chapter 139, Verse 1] , we find that the Pāṇḍavas crossed the Śveta mountain during their life in the forest.ŚVETA VIII A country situated on the northern side of the Nīla mountain. The region known as “Hiraṇyakam” is situated to the north of this country. [M.B. Bhīṣma Parva, Chapter 6, Verse 37] . Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 श्वेत हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi Hindi | | adjective जो उजला हो Ex. उसने श्वेत वस्त्र धारण किया । MODIFIES NOUN:तत्त्व ONTOLOGY:रंगसूचक (colour) ➜ विवरणात्मक (Descriptive) ➜ विशेषण (Adjective) SYNONYM:सफेद सफ़ेद उजला धवल धवला धौला धौल रजत धौत शुभ्र सादा शुक्ल शिति सित अवदात फक उजियार उँजियार उँजियारा उज्जर उज्ज्वलWordnet:asmবগী bdगुफुर benশ্বেত gujસફેદ kanಬಿಳಿ kasصاف kokधवें malവെള്ള marपांढरा mniꯑꯉꯧꯕ nepश्वेत oriଶ୍ୱେତ panਚਿੱਟਾ sanशुक्ल telతెల్లని urdسفید , سپید , اجلا , گوراچٹا , کورا , سادہ See : गोरा, गोरा, सफेद Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 श्वेत A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi English | | To die. A bridge. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 श्वेत मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi Marathi | | See : पांढरा, पांढरा Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 श्वेत महाराष्ट्र शब्दकोश | Marathi Marathi | | वि. पांढरा ; शुभ्र ; शुक्ल ; धवल . श्वेतपीत त्रिगुणवास । - एरुस्व १७ . १० . [ सं . श्वित् = पांढरें होणें ]०कुष्ठ न. पांढरें कोड .०कृष्ण काळें पांढरें पडणें ; मरणें .होणें काळें पांढरें पडणें ; मरणें .०द्वीप न. पृथ्वीचा एक भाग ; खंड .०प्रदर पु. पांढरी धुपणी ; एक रोग .०मणि पु. स्फटिक .०वचा स्त्री. वचा पहा . एक झाड , याची मुळी पांढरी असते .०वाह वाहन - पु . अर्जुन .०श्वेतांजनी वि. आंग एकरंगी पण फांसोळीला पांढरा रंग असलेला ( घोडा ). - अश्वप १ . ९७ . श्वेतांबर - पु . जैनांतील एक पंथ . Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 श्वेत नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali Nepali | | adjective जुनचाहिँ उज्यालो हुन्छ Ex. उसले श्वेत वस्त्र धारण गर्यो MODIFIES NOUN:तत्त्व ONTOLOGY:रंगसूचक (colour) ➜ विवरणात्मक (Descriptive) ➜ विशेषण (Adjective) SYNONYM:सेतो शुक्लWordnet:asmবগী bdगुफुर benশ্বেত gujસફેદ hinश्वेत kanಬಿಳಿ kasصاف kokधवें malവെള്ള marपांढरा mniꯑꯉꯧꯕ oriଶ୍ୱେତ panਚਿੱਟਾ sanशुक्ल telతెల్లని urdسفید , سپید , اجلا , گوراچٹا , کورا , سادہ See : सेतो, गोरो Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 श्वेत A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | श्वेत m. mf(आ॑ or श्वेनी)n. white, dressed, in white, bright (with प॑र्वतm. ‘snow-mountain’ [ŚBr.] ; with कटा-क्षm. ‘a bright side-glance’ [Saṃgīt.] ), [RV.] &c. &c.श्वेत m. m. white (the colour), [L.] a white horse, [ŚBr.] a small white shell, cowry, [L.] a silver coin, [L.] a white cloud, [L.] the planet Venus or its regent शुक्र, [L.] -केतु a partic. comet (cf.), [VarBṛS.] ROOTS: केतुजीवक a partic. plant (= ), [L.] cumin seed, [W.] वैदार्व N. of a serpent-demon (with or वैदार्व्य or वैदर्व्य; others give श्वैत-वैदारव as signifying ‘a partic. deity connected with the sun’), [GṛS.] ; [Pur.] N. of one of स्कन्द's attendants, [MBh.] of a दैत्य (son of विप्र-चित्ति), [Hariv.] of a मुनि, [MBh.] ; [Kathās.] of a partic.अवतार of शिव, [Cat.] of a pupil of शिव, [IW. 122 n. 3] of a manifestation of विष्णु in his वराह incarnation (worshipped in a partic. part of India), [MW.] of a राजर्षि, [MBh.] of a son of the king सुदेव, [R.] of a general, [MBh.] of a son of वपुष्मत्, [MārkP.] of a preceptor, [Cat.] of a mythical elephant, [MBh.] of the sixth range of mountains dividing the known continent (the white or ‘snowy’ mountains separating the वर्षs of हिरण्मय and रम्यक), [MBh.] ; [Pur.] ([IW. 420 n. 1] )-द्वीप of one of the minor द्वीपs or divisions of the world (cf.), [MBh.] ; [R.] ROOTS: द्वीपश्वेत n. n. the white of the eye, [Suśr.] the growing white (of the hair), [ChUp.] silver, [L.] butter-milk and water mixed half and half, [L.] Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 श्वेत The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | श्वेत [śvēta] a. a. (-श्वेता or-श्वेती f. f.) [श्वित्-अच् घञ् वा] White; ततः श्वेतैर्हयैर्युक्ते महति स्यन्दने स्थितौ [Bg.1.14.] तः The white colour. A conch-shell. A cowrie. The planet Venus. Śukra, the regent of the planet; न शेकुः पाण्डवा द्रष्टुं श्वेतं ग्रहमिवोदितम् [Mb.6.82.12.] A white cloud. Cumin seed. N. N. of a range of mountains; शृङ्गैः श्वेतमिव स्थितम् [Bhāg.1.39.45.] (according to some com. कैलास); see कुलाचल or कुलपर्वत. N. N. of a division of the world. A white goat; वायव्यं श्वेतमालभेत । cf. तस्मात् प्रत्यक्षोऽपि श्वेतशब्दश्छागमेव परिच्छिन्द्यान्नान्यं पशुम् इति ŚB. on [MS.1.2.68.] A white horse. A silver coin. A comet; श्वेतो ग्रहस्तिर्यगिवापतन् खे [Mb. 5.37.43.] तम् Silver. The white of the eye. Butter-milk and water mixed half and half. -Comp.-अंशुः the moon.-अद्रिः, -पर्वतः N. N. of a mountain; दन्तै- श्चतुर्भिः श्वेताद्रेर्हरन् भगवतो महीम् [Bhāg.8.8.4] (com. कैलास).-अम्बरः,-वासस् m. m. a class of Jaina ascetics.-अश्वः N. N. of Arjuna.-इक्षुः a kind of sugar cane.-उदरः an epithet of Kubera. कपोतः A kind of mouse. a kind of snake.-कमलम्, -पद्मम् a white lotus.-काकीय a. unusual, unheard of.-कुञ्जरः an epithet of Airāvata, the elephant of Indra.-कुष्ठम् white leprosy. केतुः a Bauddha or Jaina saint. the descending node.-कोलः a kind of fish (शफर).-क्षारः saltpetre, alkali. गजः, द्विपः a white elephant. the elephant of Indra.-गरुत् m. m.,-गरुतः a goose. छदः a goose; श्वेतच्छदश्च विधुतच्छदचामरेण प्रासेवत प्रियतमां सुरतश्रमार्ताम् [Rām. ch.5.15.] a kind of basil.-द्वीपः N. N. of one of the eighteen minor divisions of the known continent; ˚पतिः Viṣṇu; श्वेतद्वीपपतिश्चित्तं मनो योगेश्वरोऽवतु [Bhāg.1.6.24;] श्वेतद्वीपपतौ चित्तं शुद्धे धर्ममये मयि [Bhāg.11.15.18.] धातुः a white mineral. chalk. the milkstone. -धामन्m. camphor. the foam of the sea. cuttle-fish bone.-नीलः a cloud.-पत्रः a goose.ष (Many roots which begin with स् are written in the Dhātupāṭha with ष् to show that the स् is changed to ष् after certain prepositions. Such roots will be found under स in their proper places.) Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 श्वेत Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English | | श्वेत mfn. (-तः-ता or नी-तं) White. m. (-तः) 1. White, (the colour.) 2. The planet VENUS, or its regent ŚUKRA. 3. The sixth range of moun- tains, dividing the known continent, the white mountains separa- ting the Varshas of Hiranmaya and Romanaka. 4. One of the minor Dwipas or divisions of the world; in fable the White Island, identified geographically by WILFORD, with Britain. 5. A white cloud. 6. Cummin-seed. 7. A conch. mf. (-तः-ता) A small white shell used as a coin, a Cowrie. n. (-तं) Silver. f. (-ता) 1. A grass, (Andropogon aciculatum.) 2. A plant, Kāshṭha-Pātala. 3. A flower, (Clitoria ternatea.) 4. Hogweed. 5. Bent grass with white blossoms. 6. Bamboo-manna. 7. Crystal. 8. Clayed or can- died sugar. 9. A cowrie. E. श्वित् to be white, aff. अच् or घञ् . ROOTS:श्वित् अच् घञ् . Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 श्वेत संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit Sanskrit | | See : शुक्ल Related Words श्वेत क्रांति श्वेत क्रांती श्वेत श्वेत रक्त कणिका श्वेत क्रान्ति श्वेत कमल श्वेत कोकीळ श्वेत कान बुलबुल श्वेत रुधिर कणिका श्वेत कर्ण बुलबुल ಶ್ವೇತ ಕ್ರಾಂತಿ white book white paper श्वेतक्रांती white blood corpuscle श्वेत उशीर श्वेत कनेर श्वेत कोकिल श्वेत चंदन श्वेत तुलसी श्वेत तुळस श्वेत नदी श्वेत-पत्र श्वेत-पुष्पा श्वेत पोश श्वेत मंदार श्वेत मदार श्वेत मन्दार श्वेत वस्त्र श्वेत सिंधुवार श्वेत भूमि कुष्मांड श्वेत भूमि कुष्माण्ड white शुक्ल white river काफल पाकू rose bay oleander nerium oleander কাফল পাকু ਕਾਫਲ ਪਾਕੂ କାଫଲ ପାକୂ ପକ୍ଷୀ winter melon vine honeydew melon persian melon cucumis melo inodorus winter melon धवें कमळ पांढरे कमळ বগী শ্বেত শ্বেত কমল ଶ୍ୱେତ ਸਫੇਦ ਕਮਲ શ્વેત કમળ शुभ्रकर्ण बुलबुल पुण्डरीकम् شَویت کَرَن بُلبُل வெண்தாமரை வெண்மையான తెల్లకలువ শ্বেত ক্রণ বুলবুল ଶ୍ୱେତକର୍ଣ୍ଣ ବୁଲବୁଲ ଶ୍ୱେତପଦ୍ମ ਸ਼ਵੇਤ ਕਰਣ ਬੁਲਬੁਲ સફેદ કાનવાળું બુલબુલ വെള്ളചെവിയന് ബുള്ബുള് വെള്ളത്താമര wbc white blood cell white cell white corpuscle fairish leucocyte leukocyte white person ؤیِٹ بُلَڈ سٮ۪لٕز श्वेतरक्तकणिका गुफुर थै सेरेफ धवी रक्तपेशी धवें पांढरा पांढरी रक्तपेशी caucasian سفید لہو ذرات வெள்ளையணுக்கள் తెల్లరక్తకణాలు শ্বেত ৰক্ত কণা শ্বেত রক্ত কণিকা ଶ୍ୱେତ ରକ୍ତ କଣିକା ਸਫੇਦ ਰਤਕ ਕੋਸ਼ਕਾਵਾਂ શ્વેતકણ સફેદ ശ്വേതരക്താണുക്കള് ಬಿಳಿ ರಕ್ತ ಕಣ whiteness پَمپوٗش తెల్లని ਚਿੱਟਾ ಬಿಳಿ Folder Page Word/Phrase Person Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. 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