लेखन mfn. mf(ई)n. scratching, scraping, scarifying, lancing,
[Suśr.] exciting, stimulating, attenuating,
[ŚārṅgS.] ;
[Bhpr.] लेखन m. m.Saccharum Spontaneum (a sort of reed of which pens are made),
[W.] लेखन n. n. the act of scratching or scraping, lancing, scarifying,
[Car.] ;
[Suśr.] touching, coming in contact (said of heavenly bodies),
[AV.Pariś.] writing down, transcribing,
[Kathās.] ;
[Pañcat.] an instrument for scraping or furrowing,
[Kauś.] Betula Bhojpatra (the bark of which is used for writing),
[L.] the leaf of the palm tree (used for the same purpose),
[W.] making thin, attenuating, reducing corpulency (See next).