प्रति-√ धा aP. Ā. -दधाति,
-धत्ते (
Ved. inf. प्र॑ति-धातवे), to put on or in or near or back, return, restore (
loc. or
dat. ),
[RV.] ;
[AV.] ;
[Br.] ;
to adjust (an arrow), aim,
to put to the lips (for drinking),
[RV. iv, 27, 5] ;
to put down (the feet), step out,
[Br.] ;
to offer, present,
[AitBr.] ;
to use, employ,
[Śatr.] ;
to restrain,
[BhP.] ;
Ā. ) to commence, begin, approach,
[RV.] ;
[AV.] प्रति°धा f. bf. putting to the lips, a draught,