Dictionaries | References प पदवि { padaviḥ } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 पदवि A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | पद—वि f. f. = -वी, a way, path, [L.] ROOTS:पद वि Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 पदवि The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | पदविः [padaviḥ] वी [vī] वी f. [पद्-अवि वा ङीप] A way, road, path, course (fig. also); पवनपदवी [Me.8;] अनुयाहि साधुपदवीम् [Bh.2.77] 'follow in the footsteps of the good'; [Ś.4.] 14; [R.3.5;7.7;8.11;15.99;] [Bh.3.46;] [Ve.6.27;] so स यौवनपदवीमारूढः [Pt.1,] 'he attained his majority' (grew up to man's estate). position, station, rank, dignity, office, post; एतत् स्तोत्रं प्रपठता विचार्य गुरवाक्यतः । प्राप्यते ब्रह्मपदवी सत्यं सत्यं न संशयः ॥ [Tattvamasi Strotra.12.] A place, site. good conduct or behaviour. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 पदवि Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English | | पदवि f. (-विः-वी) 1. A road, a path, a way. 2. station, situation, degree, rank. 3. place, site. E. पद् to go, अवि aff.; fem. aff. optionally ङीप्. ROOTS:पद् अवि ङीप् Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP