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   { dhruvasandhi }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English
DHRUVASANDHI   A king of Kosala. During the reign of this King there was prosperity in Ayodhyā and the people were virtuous. This king had two wives Manoramā and Līlāvatī. A son named Sudarśana was born to Manoramā. After a month the second wife also gave birth to a son named Śatrujit. The King was much pleased and both sons were brought up alike. As Śatrujit was cleverer than Sudarśana people loved Śatrujit more. Once Dhruvasandhi went to the forest for hunting and was killed by a lion in the forest. According to the custom Sudarśana became King. Līlāvatī, the mother of Śatrujit was the daughter of the King of Ujjayinī. Her desire was to make Śatrujit the King. Manoramā. the mother of Sudarśana was the daughter of the King of Kaliṅga. Hearing about the death of Dhruvasandhi, the kings of Ujjayinī and Kaliṅga arrived at Ayodhyā. The King of Ujjayinī got angry because Sudarśana was made king and began war. The King of Kaliṅga took the side of Sudarśana. A terrible battle was fought in Ayodhyā as to who should be the heir to the throne. In the battle Yudhājit, the King of Ujjayinī, killed Vīrasena, the king of Kaliṅga. Sudarśana and his mother Manoramā were in a sorry plight. According to the advice of minister Vidulla, Manoramā and Sudarśana fled from the capital. Vidulla and the maid of Manoramā accompanied them. In two days they reached Gaṅgātaṭa. They were caught by fishermen thieves and they lost everything they had. At last with the help of a boat they crossed the Ganges and reached Trikūṭa. They went to the hermitage of Bharadvāja who was doing penance there. He gave them protection. After making Śatrujjit King, Yudhājit began to search for Manoramā and Sudarśana. He got news that they lived in Citrakūṭa. Yudhājit went there with an army. But he could not get them out of the hermitage of Bharadvāja. Manoramā and Sudarśana lived safely in the hermitage. Once Vidulla came to the hermitage of Bharadvāja to enquire about Manoramā. Seeing the old man the hermit boys called out “Klība Klība.” Prince Sudarśana heard only “Klī”. The syllable ‘Klī’ is the spell called ‘Kāmarāja bījamantra’. Without knowing its meaning Sudarśana called out ‘Klī’ several times. With that the prince got a special power. Six more years passed. The prince became eleven years old. By this time Bharadvāja had taught the prince Vedas, Śāśtras, etc. The prince was a devotee of Devī. Devī appeared before him and gave him a bow and a quiver which would never become empty, and an impenetrable armour. Sudarśana married Śaśikalā the daughter of the King of Kāśī. Niṣāda, the King of Śṛṅgiverapura, was a friend of Dhruvasandhi. He gave Sudarśana a chariot which Sudarśana rode through the forest. With the help of the King of Kāśī and others Sudarśana recaptured Ayodhyā. He made Vidulla his minister and ruled over the country for a long time. [Devī Bhāgavata, Skandha 3] .


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi
noun  इक्ष्वाकु वंश में जन्मे राम के एक पूर्वज   Ex. ध्रुवसन्धि सुसन्धि के पुत्र थे ।
पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character)जन्तु (Fauna)सजीव (Animate)संज्ञा (Noun)
kasدرُوسینٛد , دروسنٛدی

Related Words

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