जम्भ m. am. a tooth, eye-tooth, tusk, (pl. ) set of teeth, mouth, jaws, [RV.] ; [VS. xi, 79] (du. ), ; xv, 15; [AV. iii, 27, 1-6] swallowing, [RV. i, 37, 5] °भ () one who crushes or swallows (as a demon), [AV. ii, 4, 2; viii, 1, 16] ; [Kauś.] शिवादि (g. ) N. of several demons (conquered by विष्णु or कृष्ण, [MBh. iii, v, vii] ; [Hariv.] ; by इन्द्र, [MBh.] ), [MBh. i, 2105; iii, 16365] ; [Hariv. 13227] ; [BhP. viii, 10, 21] a leader of the demons in the war against the gods under इन्द्र, [MārkP. xviii, 16] N. of a son (of प्रह्राद, [Hariv. 12461] ; of हिरण्य-कशिपु, 12914) of the father-in-law of हिरण्य-कशिपु, [BhP. vi, 18, 11] of सुन्द's father, R i, 27, 7 इन्द्र's thunderbolt, [Gal.] a charm (?), [MBh. v, 64, 20] °भिन् = , [L.] a quiver, [L.] a part, portion, [L.] जम्भ cf. कु-, त॑पुर्., तिग्म॑-, तृष्ट-, वीलु॑- सु-जम्भ and अन्तर्-जम्भ॑ ([cf. γαμφηλαί.]) जम्भ b See √ 1.जभ्.