कादम्बरम् [kādambaram] 1 A spirituous liquor distilled from the flowers of the Kadamba tree; निषेध्य मधु माधवाः सरसमत्र कादम्बरम्
[Śi.4.66.] री A spirituous liquor distilled from the flowers of the कदम्ब tree.
Spirituous liquor or wine in general; कादम्बरीसाक्षिकं प्रथमसौहृदमिष्यते
[Ś.6;] or कादम्बरीमदविघूर्णितलोचनस्य युक्तं हि लाङ्गलभृतः पतनं पृथिव्याम् Udb.; ˚रसभरेण
[K.24.] The fluid issuing from the temples of a rutting elephant.
An epithet of Sarasvatī, the goddess of learning.
A female cuckoo.
The rain-water collected into clefts or hollow places.
A female bird (सारिका).
N. N. of a celebrated story by Bāṇa; the heroine is of the same name being a daughter of Chitraratha Gandharva.-Comp.
-बीजम् a ferment, yeast.