कन्य—कुब्ज f. n. (f(आ). , [L.] ), N. of an ancient city of great note (in the north-western provinces of India, situated on the काली नदी, a branch of the गङ्गा, in the modern district of Farrukhabad; the popular spelling of the name presents, perhaps, greater variations than that of any place in India [e.g. Kanauj, Kunnoj, Kunnouj, Kinoge, Kinnoge, Kinnauj, Kanoj, Kannauj, Kunowj, CanowjCanoje, Canauj, &c.]; in antiquity this city ranks next to अयोध्या in Oude; it is known in classical geography as Canogyza; but the name applies also to its dependencies and the surrounding district; the current etymology [कन्या, ‘a girl’, shortened to कन्य, and कुब्ज, ‘round-shouldered or crooked’] refers to a legend in [R. i, 32, 11 ff.] , relating to the hundred daughters of कुशनाभ, the king of this city, who were all rendered crooked by वायु for non-compliance with his licentious desires; the ruins of the ancient city are said to occupy a site larger than that of London), [MBh.] ; [Kathās. &c.]