मीराबाई कृष्ण भक्तीमे लीन होनेवाली भारतकी प्रमुख कवयित्री हैं। उनका जन्म 1504 ईस्वी में राजस्थानमे, मेरटा गाव, राजपूत परिवर मे हुआ था। उनके पिता का नाम राणा रत्नसिंह था। मीरबाईकी दस सालकी उम्रमे ही उनके मतजीका देहांत हुआ। फिर मीराबाईको उनके चाचा विक्रम देवके घर भेज गया। उनके पति कुमार भोजराज उदयपुर के महाराणा थे। विवाह के कुछ समय बाद ही उनके पति का देहांत हो गया। पति की मृत्यु के बाद, सती जानेसे विरोध किया, वे संसार की ओर से विरक्त हो गयीं और साधु-संतों की संगति में हरिकीर्तन करते हुए अपना समय व्यतीत करने लगीं। कुछ समय बाद उन्होंने घर का त्याग कर दिया और तीर्थाटन को निकल गईं। वे बहुत दिनों तक वृंदावन में रहीं और फिर द्वारिका चली गईं।

मीराबाईने अपना काफी समय कृष्ण भक्तीमे व्यतीत किया। मीराबाईने अपनी सभी रचनाये कृष्णके नाम समर्पित की है। मीराबाई ने कृष्ण-भक्ति के स्फुट पदों की रचना की है।मीरबाईका देहांत संवत 1560 ईस्वी में हुआ।

Meerabai was a female Hindu poetess whose compositions are popular throughout India. Meera Bai was born at Merta in Nagpur District of Rajastan in Rathod clan of Rajputs. Meerabai was barely 10 years old, when her mother died. She was sent to live with her uncle, her father's elder brother Vikram Deo. When Meerabai was 18 years old, Vikram Deo arranged her marriage to the crown prince of Mewad. Meerabai was married to Raja Bhoj, the eldest son of Rana Sanga. When Meerabai was six years old,she asked about husband, she was given a figurine of Lord Krishna by her mother that she played, sang and always talked with.They are in the Bhakti tradition, and most passionately praised Lord Krishna. The extant version of her poems are in a Rajastani dialect of Hindu, they are also considered to be in Gujarathi members of her community. While these details are taken as truth by modern followers of the Bhakti tradition, the historical authenticity of most of her story is the subject of much debate.

Meerabai's love of Krishna was so absorbing, she neglected her social and regal responsibilities.

She refused to offer worship to the family deity, Durga. She sang and danced in public temples and mingled with members of all casts. Because of this Mirabai suffered great hardship throughout her life. Merabai's husband died a few years after her marriage and she refused to commit sati a practice of widow self-immolation held in high regard in royal rajput families of that time.

Mirabai's father was killed in battle; her father-in-law was wounded in the same battle and died the next year. Mewar got a new child-ruler, who with his mother, made life at the court difficult for Mirabai. In Mira's poems she mentions that her family attempted to kill her twice but that she was miraculously saved both times. These physical hardships became intolerable so she went to the pilgrimage of Mathura, Vrindavan, and finally to Dwaraka. Mirabai spent most of her time in prayer and worship of Krishna. She left behind a legacy of many soulful and prayerful songs, which are still sung in India today. Mirabai is widely regarded as a saint in the tradition of the Bhakti Movement.


Last Updated : February 08, 2008

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