वासक [vāsaka] a. a. (-का or
-सिका f. f.) [वास्-वस्-णिच् वा ण्वुल्]
Scenting, perfuming, infusing, fumigating &c.
Causing to dwell, populating.
-कः Scent.
-का (also वासिका)
An abode, habitation.
A bed-chamber.-कम् Clothes. -Comp.
-सज्जा, -सज्जिका a woman who dresses herself in all her ornaments and keeps herself (and her house) ready to receive her lover, especially when he has made an appointment with her; an expectant heroine, one of the several classes of a Nāyikā;
[S. D.] thus defines her: कुरुते मण्डनं यस्याः (या तु) सज्जिते वासवेश्मनि । सा तु वासकसज्जा स्याद्विदितप्रियसंगमा ॥ 12; भवति विलम्बिनि विगलितलज्जा विलपति रोदिति वासकसज्जा