प्लव [plava] a. a. [प्लु अच्]
Swimming, floating.
Jumping, leaping.
Ved. Superior, excellent.
Flood, swelling of a river.
A jump, leap; going by leaps or jumps; ते रथैर्देवधिष्ण्याभैर्हयैश्च तरल- प्लवैः
[Bhāg.1.82.7.] A raft, float, canoe, small boat; नावश्चारुरुहुस्त्वन्ये प्लवैस्तेरुस्तथापरे
[Rām.2.89.2] (com. प्लवा वेणुतृणादिनिर्मिताः); नाशयेच्च शनैः पश्चात् प्लवं सलिलपूरवत्
[Pt. 2.42;] सर्वं ज्ञानप्लवेनैव वृजिनं संतरिष्यसि
[Bg.4.36;] [Ms.4.194;] 11.19;
[Ve.3.25.] A frog; हंसक्रौञ्चप्लवाकीर्णं सारसैः संप्रसादितम्
[Rām.3.35.18.] A monkey; दधि हृत्वा बक- श्चापि प्लवो मत्स्यानसंस्कृतान्
[Mb.13.111.99.] A declivity, slope.
An enemy.
A sheep.
A man of a low tribe, a Chāṇḍāla.
A net or snare for catching fish.
The fig-tree.
The Kāraṇḍava bird, a kind of duck.
Five or more stanzas syntactically connected (= कुलक q. v.).
The prolated utterance of a vowel.
Returning, return.
Urging on, inciting.
Sound; L. D. B.
A kind of aquatic bird;
[Ms.5.12.] N. N. of a संवत्सर. -Comp.
-कुम्भः a pitcher used as a support in swimming; स्मरयौवनयोः खलु द्वयोः प्लवकुम्भौ भवतः कुचावुभौ
[N.2.31.] गः a monkey; स सेतुं बन्धयामास प्लवगैर्लवणाम्भसि
[R.12.7.] a frog.
an aquatic bird, the diver.
the शिरीष tree.
N. N. of the sun's charioteer. ˚इन्द्रः Hanumat; Bhāg. ˚राजः The monkey chief Sugrīva; राघवप्लवगराजयोरिव प्रेम युक्तमितरे- तराश्रयम्
[Ki.13.57.] (-गा) the sign of the zodiac calledVirqo.