पक्व [pakva] a. a. [पच्-क्त तस्य वः]
Cooked, roasted, boiled; as in पक्वान्न.
Baked, burned, annealed (opp. आम); पक्वेष्टकानामाकर्षणम्, आमेष्टकानां छेदनम्
[Mk.3.] 12/13.
Mature, ripe; पक्वबिम्बाधरोष्ठी
[Me.82;] यथा फलानां पक्वानां नान्यत्र पतनाद् भयम् Subhāṣ.
Fully developed, come to perfection, perfect, matured as in पक्वधी; अग्नि- पक्वाशनो वा स्यात् कालपक्वभुगेव वा
[Ms.6.17.] Experienced, shrewd.
Ripe (as a boil), ready to suppurate.
Grey (as hair).
Perished, decaying, on the eve of destruction, ripe to meet one's doom; 'पक्वं परिणतेऽपि स्याद्विनाशाभिमुखे त्रिषु' Medinī; पक्वापक्वेति सुभृशं वावाश्यन्ते वयांसि च
[Mb.6.3.44.] क्वम् Cooked food.
Ripe corn.
The ashes of a burnt corpse. -Comp.
-अतिसारः chronic dysentery.
-अन्नम् cooked or dressed food.
-आधानम्, आशयः the stomach, abdomen.
-इष्टका a baked brick.चितम् a building constructed with baked bricks.-कषाय a. whose passion has become extinguished.-कृत् a.
maturing. (-m.) the Nimba tree.
-कश a. a. grey-haired.
-गात्र a. a. having a decrepit or infirm body.
-रसः wine or any spirituous liquor.-वारि n. the water of boiled rice (काञ्जिक), sour rice-gruel.