जठर mfn. 1.mf(आ)n. (v.l. for बठ्°q.v. ) hard, firm, [Śāntiś.] iv, 13 and, [Sāh.] (v.l. जरट्क) जरठ for , old, [Bhartṛ. iii, 92] बद्ध = , [L.] जवन for , [R. ii, 98, 24] अति -, ‘very hard’ and ‘very old’ [Śiś. iv, 29] जठर m. m.N. of a man, [Pravar. iv] ([Mādh.] ) of a mountain, [BhP. v, 16, 28] pl. N. of a people (in the south-east of मध्य-देश, [VarBṛS. xiv, 8] ), [MBh. vi, 350.] जठर m. 2.n. ([m.]) the stomach, belly, abdomen, bowels, womb, interior of anything, cavity, [RV.] ; [AV.] &c. certain morbid affections of the bowels, [Car. vi, 1] ; [Suśr. i, vi] जठर [cf. γαστήρ; Goth. kilthei or qvithrs]. जठर a (= 2. ज्°, [Sāy.] ), [RV. i, 112, 17.]