ग्रन्थि m. 1.m. a knot, tie, knot of a cord, knot tied in the end of a garment for keeping money ([Pañcat.] ), bunch or protuberance of any kind (esp. if produced by tying several things together), [RV. ix, 97, 18 & x, 143, 2] ; [AV.] ; [TS.] &c. the joint of a reed or cane, [Prab. v, i, 8] joint of the body, [Mṛcch. i, 1] ; [Dhūrtas.] ; [Sāh.] a complaint, (knotting i.e. ) swelling and hardening of the vessels (as in varicocele), [R.] ; [Suśr.] ‘a knot tied closely and therefore difficult to be undone’, difficulty, doubt, [ChUp.] ; [KaṭhUp.] ; [MuṇḍUp.] ; [MBh.] &c. a bell, [Kathās. lxv, 135 f.] the point of a moustache, [Nalac.] ग्रन्थि-पर्ण N. of several plants and bulbous roots (, हिता-वली, भद्र-मुस्ता, पिण्डा-लु), [L.] (cf. उदर-, कटु-, काल-, कृमि-, केश-, गो-, दाम-, &c.) ग्रन्थि m. 2.m. crookedness (lit. and fig. ), [L.]