Dictionaries | References n "n" Words | Show All N n fold rotor N N N medium n th n th layer line n th order diffraction wave N truss n tuple n tuplet n- type n type conductivity N type semi conductor N type semiconductor N Z B mice N.B. n.d. N.E.D. na nab nabla nabob nabothian follicle nace reaction nacelle N-Acetyl galactosamine N-acetylmuramic acid N-Acetylneuraminic acid nacre nacreous nacreous layer nacrite NAD Nadi reaction nadir nadir point NADP naevus nag NAGA nagai camphor naganath nagapanchami nagari nagari script nagaridas nagasaki nagative mixing nagative nitrogen balance nagative staining nagazari nagger nagging Nagler's reaction nagoshi Nagpur Housing and Area Development Board nahani trap nahrhumus naiad Naik Peon nail nail bed nail fold nail patella syndrome nail patlla syndrome nail puller nail punch nailable concrete nailable roof deck nailed nailed connections nailhead nailhead spar nailing nailing block nailing strip nailrod nainadevi naira nairobi naive naive realism naively naivete najeer Naka peon naked naked confession naked contract naked debenture naked eye naked eye examination naked gene naked possession naked possessor naked promise naked trust nakedly nakedness nakshatra swami nal Nalla Keeper nalopakhyan nam nam sudha namable namakaran namaskara namatium namdev name name and address name authority file name catalogue name day name entry name index name plate name reference nameable named nameless namelessness namely names namesake namibia namibian naming namjog hundi namsudha nan NANA nanak nanandrous Nancy school NAND NAND gate nanda nandadas nandkishor shukla nanism nannander nannandrium nannandrous nannocyte nannophanerophyte nannoplankton Nannorhops ritchieana H.Wendl. nanny nanny-goat nano- nanogram (ng) nanometer nano-meter nanometre (nm) nanophanerophyte nanoplankton nanosurgery nanus naos nap napalm nape nape of neck naphalocrocis medinalis naphtha naphthalene naphthalene acetamide naphthalene balls naphthene naphthenic acid naphthoic acid naphthol naphthoquinone naphthyl acetic acid naphthylamine napier grass Napierian logarithm Napierian logarithms Napier's test napiform napiform root napkin napless napoleon napoleon bonaparte napoleon i nappe nappe fold Nappe structure nappy narad narada naradapuran narahar pandit narahari narak narasimha narasimha saraswati narayan narayan bhatta narayan kharat narayan swami narayani narbada narcissiam narcissism narcissistic neurosis narcissistic object choice narcissus narcoanalysis Narcobatoidea narcolepsy narcomania narcosis narcosynthesis narcotherapy narcotic narcotic drug narcotic poison narcotics narcotism nard Nardostachys jatamansi Nardostachys jatamansi DC Naregania alata W.& A. nares narghile nargileh narhari sonar nariform naringin naris narmada narmal pace narrate narrated narration narrative narrative poetry narrator narrow narrow area of demand narrow band amplifier narrow base terrace narrow base tower narrow channel narrow down the dosage narrow gauge narrow majority narrow market narrow mentality narrow minded narrow mindedness narrow money narrow pipe narrow spectrum narrow transcription narrowed narrowly narrowness narrows n-ary operation nasa nasal nasal bone nasal bougie nasal capsule nasal cavity nasal conchae nasal congestion nasal crest nasal decongestant nasal decongestion nasal douche nasal drops nasal dunche nasal fossa nasal granuloma nasal index nasal septum nasal sinus nasal sinusitis nasal stuffiness nasal syringe nasalis larvatus nasalise nasality nasalization nasalize nascence nascency nascent nascent hydrogen nascent industry nascent oxygen nascent state nascent tissue nasiket nasion Nasmyth pile driver Nasmyth's membrane naso lachrymal duct nasociliary nasocilliary nasolabial naso-labial nasolabial cyst naso-labial groove nasolacrimal naso-lacrimal nasolacrimal duct naso-lacrimal duct nasolveolar cyst nasomaxillary naso-maxillary naso-maxillary suture naso-mental naso-optic naso-optic furrow nasopalatine naso-palatine nasopalatine canal nasopalatine duct cyst nasopharyngeal naso-pharyngeal nasopharyngeal cancer naso-pharyngeal tonsil nasopharynx nasoturbinal nassau nastic nastic movement nastily nastiness nasturtium Nasturtium officinale R.Br. nasty natak natal natal day natalie wood natality natality rate natant natation natator natatorium natha nation nation state national National Academy of Administration national advertising national aeronautics and space administration National Agricultural Credit Fund National Anchor Norms national anthem national assistance national average national awards national bibliography national bird national brand National Building Code national cadet corps National Cadet Corps Officer national campaign national capital national catalogue National Central Library national character National Clearing Cell national council of education research and training national currency National debt National Defence Bonds National Defence Fund Section National Defence Loans national demand National Development Council national discipline scheme National Discipline Scheme Instructor national dividend national dress national economy national emblem national expenditure national extension service National Extension Service Sub Committee national finance National Finance Commission national flag National Fomulary national food budget national formulary national fund national health national health insurance National health insurance contirbution national health service National income national income accounting national income aggregate national income analysis national income at constant prices national income at current prices national income at factor cost national income at market prices National Industrial Credit Fund national industrial tribunal National Institute of Bank Management national insurance National insurance scheme national integration national integrity national interest national investment National Library national mourning national norm national philosophy national plan national planning national policy national product National productivity national prosperity national register national rejoicing national revenue National Sample Survey National Saving Certificate National Saving Scheme national savings National savings certificate national savings group national savings groups national savings movement National savings organisation National Savings Supervisor National seed corporation national socialism national solidarity national symbol national thrift policy national trade National Trade Certificate National water supply and sanitation scheme National wealth national wealth1 national welth nationalisation nationalisation of banks nationalisation of industries nationalisation of land nationalise nationalised nationalised banks Nationalised Banks Section nationalised industry nationalism nationalist nationalistic nationality nationalization nationally nationhood nationless nationwide native native country native element native land native language native metal native metals native of India native paraffin native pasture native place native state native trait nativism nativity nato natraemia natrium natriuresis natrolite natron natter nattiness natty natural natural abandance natural action natural admittance natural advantage natural ageing | Show All Folder Page Word/Phrase Person Comments | рдЕрднрд┐рдкреНрд░рд╛рдп Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. 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