Dictionaries | References भ भूशास्त्र शब्दकोश - भूशास्त्र Type: Dictionary Count : 7,895 (Approx.) Language: English Marathi | Show All estuary etched etch figure etching etch mark ethmolith eu eubitumen eucrystalline eugeosyncline euhedral eupelagic eustatic eustatic movement eutectic eutectic texture euvitrit euxinic Evaluation evaporation evaporite evaporosity evapotranspiration evolution exaggerated exaggeration exchange value exfoliation exhumed landscape exhumed topography exinite exodiagenesis exogenetic exogenous exogeosyncline exoskeleton exothermic exotic exotic river expander expander in amplitude expansion exploding bomb texture exploitation exploration exploratory explosion breccia explosion caldera explosion crater explosion tuff explosive explosive evolution exposure exposure formula exsolution exsolved exsudation Extend extended extending flow extension extension fault extensive extent external mould external rotation external structure externide extinct extinction extraclast extracontinental extraction extraglacial extraglacial lateral channel extraglacial stream extramensurate orebody extraordinary ray extrapolation extraterrestrial extrazonal extrusion extrusive extrusive rock exudate exudation eye base eyed structure fabric fabric axis fabric diagram fabric element face face average face of the earth facet faceted faceted pebble facies facies evolution facies fossil facies map facies sequence facies strike facies suite facies tract factor factor of safety factors of aggregation failure of rock fall fall line fall of energy false bedding false cap rock false cleavage false reflections fan fan cleavage fan fold fanglomerate fan shooting fan structure fast layer fathom fathometer fatigue limit fault fault basin fault block fault breccia fault classification fault closure fault complex faulted slab fault gouge faulting fault line fault line scarp fault mountain fault plane fault scarp fault set fault strike fault surface fault system fault trap fault trellis drainage fault wedge fault zone fauna F-axis fayalite feather fracture feature Feeder feldspar feldspathoid felsenmeer felsic felsite felsitic felspathisation felted femic fene diagram Fennoscandia fenster ferberite fergusonite ferricrete ferride ferrillite ferrogabbro ferromagnesian ferrosilite ferrous ferrous metal ferruginous festoon festoon bedding fiaggy fiagstone fibroblastic fiducial mark fiducial time field field intensity field moisture capacity field record field strength field study field work figure filed book fill filled sink filler film film concentractor film sizing filter filter curves filter pressing filter sand filtration Fine fine gold fine grained fineness fineness factor fines fine sand fine silt finger finger lake finite strain fiord fire assay fire clay fire clay mineral fire opal fireproofing fire tongs firn firn basin firn field firn limit firn snow first arrival first order prism first order pyramid firth fishing fissile fissile bedding fissility fissure fissure eruption fissure vein fixed carbon fixed ground water fjord flags flake flake perthite flame flame perthite flame phtometry flame structure flame test flammable flanking moraine flaser flaser bedding flaser gabbro flaser granite flaser structure flat flatness flatten flattening flaw fault flaxseed ore F-layer fleckschiefer flexural flow fold flexural fold flexural slip flexural slip fold flexure flexure fault flexure fold flexure folding flexure- slip folding flight line flight strip flint flint clay flinty crush rock float floatable mineral float copper float gold floating mark float mineral float ore floc flocculate flocculation flocculent floe flood flood basalt flood basin flood control flood control survey flood current flood frequency flood plain flood plain meander scar flood tide flora flos ferry flotation flotation machine flotation routing flour flour copper flour gold flow flowage flowage differentiation flowage fold flow banding flow breccia flow cast flow cleavage flow fold flow folding flow gneiss flowing flowing well flow layer flow lines flow net flowsheet flow stage flow stone flow structure flow surface flow symmetry flow texture flow till flow unit fluid fluidal structure fluidal texture fluid contact fluid flow fluid inclusions fluidity factor fluidity index fluid pressure flume fluorapatite fluorescence fluorite fluorspar flushed pool flute cast fluting fluvial fluvial corrasion fluvial geomorphic cycle fluviatiledeposit fluvioglacial deposit flux flux gate flux gate magnetometer fluxing ore fluxion structure flux stone flysch focal focal length focus focussing fog foggy fold fold axis fold band fold belt fold cleavage fold crest folded trace record fold fault folding fold system foliate foliated foliation folio fondo fondoform fondothem footwall foraminifera force forced vortex ford forecasting foredeep foredune foreland foreland shelf fore limb fore reef fore set bed foreshock foreshore foresight forest bed forest soil form formal examination format formation formation evaluation formation pressure formation volume formation water forsterite fossil fossil flour fossil fuel fossiliferous fossilisation fossilise fossilised fossil ore fossil resin fossil soil fossil wax foundry work fractional crystalization fractionation fracture fracture cleavage fractured fractured reservoir fracture filling fracture pattern fracture porosity fracture system fracturing fragmental fragmental reservoir rock fragmental texture framboidal texture frame frame work francolite G. unit gabbro gahnite gaining stream gal gale alidade galena gallery galvanometer gamma gamma radiation gamma ray gamma ray log gamma ray well logging gamma structure gangmylonite gangue ganister gap garnet garnierite gas gas cap drive gas drive gaseous interchange gaseous transfer gas field gas gap gash fracture gasoiline gas oil ratio gas phase gas resources gastrolith gas water contact gas well gauge geanticline geiger counter Geiger-Mueller counter gem gemology general strain genetic classification gentle geoanticline geobarometry geobiont geobiotic geobotanical guide geobotany geocentric geochemical anomaly geochemical cycle geochemical exploration geochemical facies | Show All Folder Page Word/Phrase Person Credits: मराठी भाषा - श्री. संजय भगत परिभाषा कोश १ मे १९६० रोजी महाराष्ट्र राज्याची स्थापना झाल्यानंतर राजभाषा मराठीचा शासन व्यवहारात वापर करण्याबाबतचे धोरण राबविण्यासाठी शासन निर्णय, सामान्य प्रशासन विभाग,क्रमांक ओएफएल-११५९ बी दिनांक ६ जुलै १९६० अन्वये भाषा संचालनालयाची स्थापना करण्यात आली. मराठी राजभाषा असल्याचे घोषित करणारा कायदा विधानमंडळात मंजूर होऊन दिनांक ११ जानेवारी, १९६५ रोजी महाराष्ट्र राजपत्रातून जाहीर झाला व तदन्वये मराठीचा राज्य कारभारात जास्तीत जास्त वापर करण्याचे ठरले. राजभाषा मराठीविषयक शासनाचे धोरण राबवताना आधुनिक तंत्रज्ञानाद्वारे विविध विषयावरील शास्त्रीय व तांत्रिक परिभाषा कोश तयार करणे, शासन व्यवहारासाठी आवश्यक परिभाषा घडविणे, शब्दावल्या तयार करणे हे भाषा संचालनालयाचे महत्वाचे उद्दिष्ट आहे! 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