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   { vyatikara }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
व्य्-अतिकर  mfn. 1.mfn. acting reciprocally, reciprocal, [W.]
व्य् अतिकर
व्य्-अतिकर  m. m. reciprocity, reciprocal action or relation, ib.
व्य् अतिकर
contact, contiguity, union (ifc. = joined with, spreading through or over, pervading), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.
(ifc.) taking to, accomplishing, performing, [Amar.] ; [Daś.] ; [Rājat.]
incident, opportunity, [Nalac.]
reverse, misfortune, calamity, accident, fatality, [Hcar.] ; [Pañcat.] ; [Kathās.]
destruction, end, [BhP.]
व्य्-अतिकर  m. 2.m. mixing or blending together, mixture, [MBh.] ; [BhP.]
व्य् अतिकर
a confusing (or striking) resemblance, [Jātakam.]


व्यतिकर [vyatikara]   a.
Spreading, pervading.
Contiguous, near.
रः Mixture, intermixture, mixing, blending together; तीर्थे तोयव्यतिकरभवे जह्नुकन्या- सरय्वोः [R.8.95;] व्यतिकर इव भीमस्तामसो वैद्युतश्च [U.5.13;] [Māl.9.52;] [Bhāg.11.1.34.]
Contact, union, combination; रुद्रेणेदमुमाकृतव्यतिकरे स्वाङ्गे विभक्तं द्विधा [M.1.4;] [Māl.7;] [Śi.4.53;7.28.]
Striking against; कठोरास्थि- ग्रन्थिव्यतिकररणत्कारमुखरः [Māl.5.34.]
Obstruction; मार्गाचलव्यतिकराकुलितेव सिन्धुः [Ku.5.85.]
An incident, occurrence, affair, a thing, matter; एवंविधे व्यतिकरे 'such being the case'.
An opportunity.
Misfortune, calamity.
Mutual relation, reciprocity.
Exchange, interchange; सोऽयं स्थितिव्यतिकरोपशमाय सृष्टान् [Bhāg.4.1.] 57.
Provocation (क्षोभ); कालाद्गुण व्यतिकरः परिणामः स्वभावतः [Bhāg.2.5.22.]
Destruction; प्रजोपप्लवमालक्ष्य लोकव्यतिकरं च तम् [Bhāg.1.7.32.]
Spreading, pervading; [Bhāg.5.3.4.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English
व्यतिकर  mfn.  (-रः-रा-रं) Reciprocal, acting on or with one another.
2. Pervading, who or what spreads through or over.
3. Contiguous to, in contact with (-रः)
1. Misfortune, calamity.
2. Reciprocity, reciprocal action or relation
3. Reverse.
4. Contact, contiguity. [Page694-b+ 60] 5. Opportunity.
6. An occurrence, an incident.
7. Mixing together.
E. वि and अति before कृ to make, to do, aff. अप् .
वि अति कृ अप् .

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