वेष्टन n. n. the act of surrounding or encompassing or enclosing or encircling (
कृत-वेष्टन, ‘surrounded’, ‘beset’;
cf. also
[GṛŚrS.] ;
[Kāv.] ;
[Kathās.] &c.
°नं-√ कृ anything that surrounds or wraps &c., a bandage, band, girdle (, ‘to bandage’),
[MBh.] ;
[Pañcat.] a head-band, tiara, diadem,
[MBh.] ;
[Ragh.] ;
[Kathās.] an enclosure, wall, fence,
[Megh.] a covering, case,
[MW.] a span,
[MārkP.] the outer ear (
i.e. the meatus auditorius and concha),
[L.] a kind of weapon,
[L.] a
partic. attitude in dancing (either a disposition of the hands or crossing of the feet),
[W.] a rope round the sacrificial post,
[L.] Pongamia Glabra,
[L.] bdellium,
[L.] गति = (?),