Dictionaries | References फ फाटक्या अंगाचा Script: Devanagari See also: फाटकें Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 फाटक्या अंगाचा A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi English | | phāṭakyā aṅgācā Lean, meagre, shrunken, haggard, gaunt. फाटक्यांत पाय घालणें-शिरणें-जाणें Expresses the casting or the occurring of one bad thing upon another, as excitement upon predisposition; fever supervening upon a topical disorder; loss or trouble befalling a person already suffering. Ex. दूध तापांत खाल्लेंस तर जसा फाटक्यांत पाय; तापांत कुपथ्य तर फाटक्यांत पाय. फाटक्याला शिववेना आणि दुबळ्याला देववेना A torn thing cannot for ever be mended; a broken down wight cannot for ever be maintained. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 फाटक्या अंगाचा मराठी वाक्संप्रदाय - वाक्यप्रचार | Marathi Marathi | | रोड कृश सडपातळ. Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP