पत्तिः [pattiḥ] [पद्-तिन्]
A footman, a foot-soldier; पत्तिः पदातिम् (अभ्यपतत्)
[R.7.37;] [Ve.1.27.] A pedestrian.
A hero. -f.
The smallest division of an army, consisting of one chariot, one elephant, three horsemen and five foot-soldiers; एको रथो गजश्चैको नराः पञ्च पदातयः । त्रयश्च तुरगास्तज्ज्ञैः पत्तिरित्यभिधीयते ॥
[Mb.1.2.] 19.
Going, walking. -Comp.
-अध्यक्षः the superintendent of infantry;
[Kau.A.1.1.1.] -कायः infantry.-गणकः an officer whose business it is to muster the infantry.
-संहतिः f. f. a body of infantry, infantry.