Dictionaries | References न निकर्षण { nikarṣaṇa } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 निकर्षण A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | नि-°कर्षण n. n. an open place in or near town, [L.] ROOTS:नि °कर्षण a court at the entrance of a house, [W.] a neighbourhood, [W.] नि-कषण = , [MBh.] ROOTS:नि कषण Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 निकर्षण The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | निकर्षण [nikarṣaṇa] See under निकृष्. निकषः (सः) A touch-stone, whet-stone; निकषे हेमरेखेव [R.17.46;] [Mv.1.4.] (Fig.) Anything serving as a touch-stone, a test; नन्वेष दर्पनिकषस्तव चन्द्रकेतुः [U.5.1;] आदर्शः शिक्षितानां सुचरितनिकषः [Mk.1.48;] [Dk.1;] [K.44.] A streak or line of gold made on a touchstone; कनकनिकषरुचिशुचिवसनेन श्वसिति न सा परिजनहसनेन [Gīt. 7.6;] कनकनिकषस्निग्धा विद्युत् प्रिया न ममोर्वशी [V.4.1;5.19.] -Comp. उपलः,-ग्रावन् m. m.,-पाषाणः a touch-stone, whetstone; तत्प्रेमहेमनिकषोपलतां तनोति [Gīt.11;] तत्त्वनिकषग्रावा तु तेषां विपद् [H.] निकषणः (णम्) the touch-stone; य एकः शूराणां गुरु- समरकण्डूनिकषणः [Ve.3.16.] Rubbing off. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 निकर्षण Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English | | निकर्षण m. (-णः) 1. An open space or sort of play-ground in or near a town. 2. A court at the entrance to a house. 3. A neighbourhood. 4. A plot of ground not ploughed. E. नि, ROOTS:नि with कर्षण ploughing; so prepared. Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP