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   { caturaṅga }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
CATURAṄGA   A king of the Aṅga dynasty. he was the son of Hemapāda and father of Pṛthulākṣa. [Agni Purāṇa, Chapter 277] .


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
चतुर्ङ्ग  mfn. mfn. (च॑त्°) having 4 limbs (or extremities), 92, 11">[RV. x, 92, 11] ; [ŚBr. xii]
बल   (with , an army) comprising (4 parts, viz.) elephants, chariots, cavalry, and infantry, iii, 790">[MBh. iii, 790] ; ii, 51, 7">[R. ii, 51, 7]
चतुर्ङ्ग  m. m.Cucumis utilissimus (?), [L.]
   N. of a son of रोम- or लोम-पाद, [Hariv. 1697 f.] ; ix, 23, 10">[BhP. ix, 23, 10]
चतुर्ङ्ग  n. n. (scil.बल) = °ङ्ग-बल, [AV.Pariś.] ; ix, 446">[MBh. ix, 446]
   a kind of chess (played by 4 parties), [Tithyād.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
चतुरङ्ग  n.  (-ङ्गं)
   1. An entire army, comprising elephants, cars, horse and foot.
   2. A sort of chess.
   E. चतुर्, and अङ्ग a member. चत्वारि अङ्गानि यस्य.

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