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   { kaṇṭhḥ }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi
See : कंठ, गला


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
कण्ठ  m. m. (√ कण्, [Uṇ. i, 105] ), the throat, the neck (cf.आ-कण्ठ-तृप्त; कण्ठेग्रह्, to embrace, [Kathās.] )
सन्न-कण्ठ   the voice (cf.), [MBh.] ; [BhP.] &c.
सन्न कण्ठ
sound, especially guttural sound, [W.]
the neck (of a pitcher or jar), the narrowest part (e.g. of the womb; of a hole in which sacrificial fire is deposited; of a stalk &c.), [Suśr.] ; [Hcat.] ; [Kathās.] &c.
immediate proximity, [Pañcat.]
Vanguiera Spinosa, [L.]
N. of a महर्षि, [R.]


कण्ठः [kaṇṭhḥ] ण्ठम् [ṇṭham]   ण्ठम् 1 Throat; कण्ठे निपीडयन् मारयति [Mk.8.] कण्ठः स्तम्भितबाष्पवृत्तिकलुषः [Ś.4.6;] कण्ठेषु स्खलितं गतेऽपि शिशिरे पुंस्कोकिलानां रुतम् 6.4.
The neck; अयं कण्ठे बाहुः [U.1.] कण्ठाश्लेषपरिग्रहे शिथिलता [Pt.4.6;] कण्ठाश्लेषप्रणयिनि जने किं पुनर्दूरसंस्थे [Me.3,99,114;] [Amaru.19.57;] [Ku.5.57.]
Sound, tone, voice; सा मुक्तकण्ठं चक्रन्द [R.14.68;] किमिदं किन्नरकण्ठि सुप्यते 8.64; आर्यपुत्रोऽपि प्रमुक्तकण्ठं रोदिति [U.3.]
The neck or brim of a vessel &c.
Vicinity, immediate proximity (as in उपकण्ठ).
The opening of the womb.
A bud on a stalk.
The space of an inch from the edge of the hole in which sacrificial fire is deposited.
The मदन tree.
Guttural sound.-Comp.
-अग्निः   a bird (digesting in the throat or gizzard).
-अवसक्त a.  a. clinging to the neck.
-आगत a.  a. come to the throat (as the breath or soul of a dying person).
-आभरणम्   a neck-ornament, necklace; परि- क्षितं काव्यसुवर्णमेतल्लोकस्य कण्ठाभरणत्वमेतु [Vikr.1.24;] cf. names like सरस्वतीकण्ठाभरण.
-आश्लेषः   Neck-embrace; [Me.3;] कण्ठाश्लेषपरिग्रहे शिथिलता [Pt.4.6;] ˚उपगूढ [Bh.3.28.] -उक्ताम् personal testimony.
-कुब्जः   a kind of fever.-कूणिका the Indian lute.
-ग a.  a. reaching or extending to the throat; हृद्गाभिः पूयते विप्रः कण्ठगाभिस्तु भूमिपः [Ms.2.62.]
-गत   a.
being at or in the throat, coming to the throat; i. e. on the point of departing; न वदेद्यावनीं भाषां प्राणैः कण्ठगतैरपि Subhāṣ; [Pt.1.296.]
approaching or reaching the throat.-तटः,
-तटम्, -टी   the side of the neck.
-तला- सिका   the leather or rope passing round the neck of a horse.
-त्रः   A necklace; शुक्लकेयूरकण्ठत्राः [Mb.5.] 143.39.
-दघ्न a.  a. reaching to the neck.
-नालम्   Stalklike throat, a throat, neck; कण्ठनालादपातयत् [R.15.52.] also.
-नाली, -नडिकः   a kite.
-नीलकः   a large lamp or torch, a whisp of lighted straw &c. (Mar. मशाल).
पाशः, पाशकः a rope tied round an elephant's neck.
a halter in general.
-बन्धः   a rope for an elephant's neck.
-भूषणम्, -भूषा   a short necklace; विदुषां कण्ठभूषात्वमेतु [Vikr.18.12.]
-भङ्गः   Stammering.
मणिः a jewel worn on the neck.
(fig.) a dear or beloved object.
Thyroid Cartilage.
-रोधम्   Stopping or lowering the voice.
-लग्न   a.
clinging to the throat.
suspended round the neck.
throwing the arms round the neck (in embraces); कण्ठेलग्ना.
लता a collar.
a horse's halter.
-वर्तिन् a.  a. being at or in the throat, i. e. on the point of departing; ˚प्राणैः [R. 12.54.]
-शालुकम्   a hard tumour in the throat.
-शुण्डी   swelling of the tonsils.
-शोषः   (lit.)
drying up or parching of the throat.
(fig.) fruitless expostulation.
-सज्जनम्   hanging on, by, or round the neck.-सूत्रम् a kind of embrace; (thus defined: यत्कुर्वते वक्षसि वल्लभस्य स्तनाभिघातं निबिडोपगृहात् । परिश्रमार्थं शनकैर्विदग्धा- स्तत्कण्ठसूत्रं प्रवदन्ति सन्तः ॥); कण्ठसूत्रमपदिश्य योषितः [R.19.32.] -स्थ a.
being in the throat.
guttural (as a letter).
being in the mouth, ready to be repeated by rote.
learnt and ready to be repeated.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English
कण्ठ  mfn.  (-ण्ठः-ण्ठा or -ण्ठी-ण्ठं)
1. The throat.
2. Sound, especially gut- tural sound.
3. Near, proximate.
 m.  (-ण्ठः)
1. A tree, (Vangueria spinosa.)
2. The space of an inch from the edge of the hole in which sacrificial fire is deposited
 f.  (-ण्ठी)
1. A rope or leather round the neck of a horse.
2. A necklace, a collar.
E. कण् to sound, Unadi affix, fem. affix टाप् or ङीप्.
कण् टाप् ङीप्

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