उपरि n. aind. (as a separable adverb) above, upon, on, upwards, towards the upper side of (opposed to अधस् and, नीचाe.g. उपरि-√ या, to go upwards; sometimes written with a following word as if compounded with it See below) सहस्रं शतान्य् उपरि चाष्टौ besides, in addition to, further (, 1000 and 800 in addition) उपरि पयः पिबेत् afterwards (e.g. , he should drink milk afterwards) उपर्य् उपरि , higher and higher उपरि शैलं-√ गम् repeatedly, continuously, [RV.] &c. (As a separable preposition, with acc. loc. , or gen. ) over, above, upon, on, at the head of, on the upper side of, beyond (e.g. , to go over the mountain; उपरि लङ्कायां सम्प्राप्तः सः, he arrived over लङ्का; उपर्य् उपरि सर्वेषाम् अतिष्ठत्, he stood at the very head of all; आत्मानं तस्य उपरि क्षिप्त्वा, having thrown himself upon him) ममोपरि विकारितः in connection with, with reference to, with regard to, towards (with gen. e.g. , changed in feeling with regard to me; पुत्रस्यो-परि क्रुद्धः, enraged towards his son) मुहूर्ताद् उपरि after (with abl. e.g. , after a minute; See also तद्-उपरि &c.), [RV. &c.] ; उपरि [cf. Zend upairi; Goth. ufar; Old Germ. obar; Mod. Germ. öber; Eng. over; Gk. ὑπέρ; Lat. super.] उपरि b may stand first in a compound, as in the following examples: